What does anger soup taste like? How does fear sound? What do a plaster, a handkerchief and an onion have to do with sadness? How to distinguish real fun from affected joy? The authors of the performance “Echy i achy, chlipy i chachy” (“Ahs and Ohs, Snivels and Spatters”) take children on a trip to the realm of emotions. Passing through the subsequent stations with the actors, little travelers look into various boxes, which let out vivid sounds, instruments and objects, thus putting them in mind of different feelings. What the artists conjure up on the stage is anger, fear, sadness and joy, evoked by means of the counting-out rhymes, the rhythm, the mime, the gestures and the association games. The show lets ‘the most youngest’ spectators experience, become familiar with and get to like varied emotional states along with the characters in a friendly and safe manner.